Fabric Boxes
Here is what you need....
2 Fat Quarters
1/2 yard Decor Bond 809
18" x 18" Batting
Decorative Buttons
1 - 18" x 18" outside fabric
1 - 18" x 18" lining fabric
2 - 18" x 18" DecorBond
1 - 18"x 18" Batting
1. Iron the interfacing to the back of the outside fabric and the lining fabric.
2.Make a quilt sandwich. Put right sides together of the outside fabric and the lining fabric and place on top to the batting
3.Using you walking foot, sew around all sides Leave an opening along one side big enough to fit your hand in. Seam allowance doesn't really matter, just use the edge of your foot.
4.Clip the corners at a 45* angle. 5. Turn right side out and press flat.
Have you tried Flatter by Soak? It is a starch alternative. It doesn't leave flakes like regular starch. It smells AMAZING! I used it at Stash Bash for the first time and I am addicted now!
6. Topstitch 1/4 inch around the edges and then quilt as desired. I went in concentric squares till I reached the center using the edge of my walking foot for a guide.
7. Fold quilted piece in half and measure from the fold....
up 3 1/2 inches and over 3 1/2 inches and make a mark.
8. Connect the 2 marks with a diagonal line. Repeat for the other corner.
9. Fold in half the other direction and mark it on both corners. It will look like this when you are done.
10.Fold in half and sew ON the lines marked .
11. Fold in half the other way and sew on the lines marked.
My manicure was done using Lizzy House Pearl Bracelet Nail Polish Set by Soak)
12. Turn right side out. I press along the bottom and press the top flaps down.
13. Stitch all 4 top corners down. 14. Stitch the inside folds in place
15. Embellish with buttons. I only add buttons to one side because all of my boxes sit next to each other, but you can add them to all 4 sides.
Tada! You are done! I keep fabric scraps sorted in mine....what will you do with yours????